Production Update August 14, 2021
Dear Singing Tea Kettle Enthusiasts,
As a I look upon these sun-drenched mum flowers I am reminded of the beauty of nature and patience it took for all forms of life to develop. Similarly 24T kettle with its many moving parts and complex design is taking time and patience.
We have recently taken a few steps forward and one step back. The kettle steam-engine whistle works but is struggling to consistently play the right notes because of too much play between the "sheet music" circular disc which directs steam through the correct pitch pipes. This requires removing material from the mold to form a depression of the part which allows it to seat better against a wide shaft that holds it in place. The gasket which also keeps the kettle sealed tight needs another revision. This means more 3D part scanning. Fortunately producing rubber and silicone products is much faster than metal.
We are also testing out two packaging facilities. See a sneak preview below. This is not the final artwork and product but in the general direction. I'd love to hear your feedback.
Thank you for your support and consideration.