Production Update : August 3rd, 2021
Dear Singing Tea Kettle Enthusiasts,
Great news! We have successfully assembled our first trial tea kettle and it looks gorgeous!
We are not far off from beginning final assembly and production however we must first fix two plastics related issues and one silicone gasket issue.
1. First we must reduce the piston cup size slightly to better mate with the sliding shuttle valve. This is a more simple fix. It is our fifth iteration to get the part just right. It functions, but not as well as it could.
2. Improve pitch pipe whistles. We all want to hear "Tea for Two" come out pitch perfect - right? This is a minor fix that involves resurfaces the leading edge of whistle surface.
While we are close to the finish line there are sure to be logistics delays and the cost of materials continues to rise. I anticipate shipment to begin in October. I am thrilled with the progress made over the past two weeks. I have been on this journey for 8 years and some of you joined me almost a full year ago. Thank you for your continued support and patience.