Production Update January 9, 2024

Where are we : 

Today we have 17 working kettles out of a batch of 30 produced. We have packaging ready and are waiting on print of the new brochure. One tea kettle has been shipped to our very first customer.  It has taken a long time to get to shipping one unit but I am proud to say we did it. 

What's next :

Only 17 of 30 tea kettles work. Obviously this is a problem.  As is done for building high-end race motors we are "blueprinting" our kettles. Over producing part quantities, selecting those that are not just in tolerance but within the best ranges and fit of the mating part.  We plan to produce 1,000 parts - sort into lots and get more data on which diameter piston performs best. 

This process of blueprinting will begin once safety testing is complete. We are contracting with a leading laboratory to conduct additional salt-spray tests, confirm materials used are FDA non-direct food contact safe, and performance tests.  We are developing some custom standards because of the non-standard nature of the tea kettle.

In about three-weeks time I hope to share exciting news that we can deliver some beta units to early purchase customers.


Thank you for your time, consideration and support. All the best, Christian