Production Update : September 5, 2022
Hello Singing Tea Kettle Enthusiasts,
A lot a good news to report! In short, we discovered a relatively simple problem that prevents the kettle from reliability causing the steam engine to 'fire off'. This can either be fixed by sanding or recutting a mold. We are testing post production sanding to just go to market more quickly.
Effectively these little rubber cups sit atop the plastic upper housing. They need to seat against a flush surface to seal. However, the plastic injection mold ejector mark creates a relief mark which means the surface is not flat. So we can sand it or cut the mold (2.5+ weeks and requires another vendor to be involved, delaying things further).
Shipping now state-side is the new music disc and the sanded part. If these two components pass testing we then move to quality assurance (inspecting part materials to ensure they are what was specified as). Safety testing with pull tests for mounting brackets welded to the handle and then assembly and shipping.
I work on this project daily, get delayed weekly by a covid outbreak or factory folly. However lately I've received and outcry of positive support from all walks of life. We're almost there and I very realistically see this on your stove tops by November.
In the even the new music disc does not hit all notes correctly I will likely give customers a sample of what the kettle would sound like an option to get the kettle early or wait for more production changes.
We filed a provisional patent, I'll update you on those design improvements when publicly available. If you happen to be in Southern California and would like to see the kettle it is on display at Manhattan Beach Arts Center in Manhattan Beach, California.