Production Updates : July 3, 2021

Flag: United States on Apple Dear Singing Tea Kettle EnthusiastsFlag: United States on Apple ,

Finally! A major breakthrough happened at the beginning of July - for the first time production molds produced components (gears, whistles, and piston) which required no additional machining to operate. This is important because while we have working prototypes they have all required some amount of hand machining that is not scalable.

Solving for this problem required minute tooling changes at each iteration of mold cutting to ensure we remained within tight tolerances to achieve correct fitment of all the internal components. Mission accomplished! 

So what does this mean for delivery date?

While parts like the silicone gasket and pitch pipes have to be modified for proper fit and sound it general means we will likely see this kettle within Q3 of the year. 


In other news, the kettle brochure has been finalized, FDA certified glue is resolved with the help of Henkel and packaging production can begin. 

Stay tuned for more updates. Thank you for your continued support.  Happy Fourth of July !