Production Updates : May 25, 2021

Dear Singing Tea Kettle Enthusiasts,

I have received countless messages of encouragement and inquiries asking "when can I get my kettle!". To share out more broadly on production updates will be posted bi-weekly until the kettle is delightfully singing "Tea for Two" in your home. 

This week was very important as the latest revisions of molds 'shot' their first plastics comprising the tea kettle. (Don't worry these are FDA approved Dupont materials that go through an additional FDA certification process). Unfortunately, our manufacturers did not meet our tolerance requirements (how close to specifications something can be for it to work).  Our Mattel toys plastics expert immediately reported back on modifications required and quality control measures to correct the mistakes.  This modification process and running more plastics requires another few weeks before we have parts ready for assembly. 

The new target delivery date is now end of August. However, this is being conservative and things could move much more quickly if this next round of fixes solves the issue.  Thank you everyone for your strong support. I love how this kettle lights up peoples' day and I cannot wait to share a cup of Jasmine tea with you.